Thursday, June 17, 2010

How Judgment Enforcement Services Work

For plaintiffs in a court case who’ve been awarded damages or have received a settlement, there is nothing more frustrating than finding themselves unable to collect on their claim. Deadbeat defendants can find a number of ways to avoid paying what they owe. Often they’ll hide their assets in secret bank accounts or real-estate holdings that the court is not aware of and claim bankruptcy when it comes time to pay. When someone is faced with an uncooperative defendant, often their only option is to turn to a judgment recovery specialist.

These men and women in the judgment recovery business are able to help those with little legal recourse to claim the money they are owed. There are a number of ways to claim the money owed through a civil judgment. In many ways, judgment enforcement agents are like private detectives. They will search through a business or individual’s assets to discover any hidden caches of wealth that should have been disclosed and paid after the trial.

Judgment enforcement services work through a national database and are all properly certified for their jobs. By being a part of these agencies, they have access to special databases that provide pertinent information that can be used to help render services for their client. By using these tools in addition to a little legwork, some of the best judgment enforcement services are able to quickly and efficiently recover unpaid civil judgments.

Sometimes, a client might need their money immediately. The circumstances that required the civil suit in the first place have taken a toll on their finances and they are in desperate need of relief. In instances such as these, many judgment enforcement services will offer to purchase the sum of the settlement for a price that is slightly less than original payment. However, clients will have this money immediately to do with what they wish and never have to worry about the slow trickle of garnished wages or wait for necessary legal action to take place.

Be aware that judgment enforcement services often have their hands tied by a statute of limitations. These vary from state to state, but all have a length of several years. Plaintiffs who have been waiting an unreasonable amount of time should immediately contact a judgment enforcement service so that they don’t miss out on the opportunity to ever collect on their judgment.

Once a plaintiff is in contact with a judgment recovery service, payment will depend on the particular company they do business with. Some may take a percentage of the total amount of the judgment recovered while others might charge a flat fee. Whatever option the client chooses, they’ll be sure to find themselves significantly richer themselves due to the hard working individuals at the judgment enforcement agency.

Article Source: Al-Rakeesh Alexander from